Highgate Group Practice, known for its unwavering commitment as a “Dementia Friendly Practice,” successfully hosted its second event for dementia patients and their caregivers on Friday, May 31st, 2024. This event further solidified our dedication to supporting those affected by dementia within our community.
Organized by our diligent Social Prescriber and the exceptional Admin Team, the event aimed to provide a platform for sharing valuable information and fostering connections among local support groups, patients, and their families. The focus was on highlighting the extensive range of services and activities available to assist those living with dementia.
We are deeply grateful to the representatives from various local dementia services who once again offered their time and expertise; and to a new participant, a representative from Jackson’s Lane. Jackson’s Lane informed our patients about the range of inclusive projects and activities available for people of all ages, such as the shared reading and discussion group and many other social workshops.
If you or someone you know is seeking support and resources related to dementia in Haringey, here are some valuable links:
- Reach and Connect Network: ReachandConnect.net – This platform offers a range of services and support for individuals living with dementia and their families. Explore their offerings to find tailored assistance and guidance.
- Haringey Council’s Dementia Page: Haringey.gov.uk – The council provides comprehensive information on dementia, including services available locally, support networks, and resources for those affected by dementia in Haringey.
- Park Theatre: Parktheatre.co.uk – While we can’t directly link to the dementia drama group due to limited availability, you can visit the Park Theatre’s homepage to explore their diverse range of performances and activities. Located conveniently near Finsbury Park station, it offers accessible entertainment options.
- Shared Lives Haringey: Haringey.gov.uk – If you’re an adult seeking additional support to live independently in a home environment, Shared Lives Haringey might be the right fit for you. This program offers personalized support arrangements to enhance independence while providing a supportive living environment.
- Jackson’s Lane: Jacksonslane.org.uk – Explore a variety of inclusive projects and activities, such as the shared reading and discussion group and other social workshops, designed to engage people of all ages.
- Accessible resources from Alzheimer organization in different formats: please click here
Highgate Group Practice remains committed to hosting these events regularly to ensure that our patients with dementia and their caregivers continue to receive the necessary support and information. We look forward to organizing future events that further our mission of being a true Dementia Friendly Practice.